Friday, June 15, 2007

The Irony of Canadian Democracy


This week, a Cree living on the Pooundmaker Reserve in Saskatchewan, Floyd Favel, wrote an article published in a Toronto-based newspaper calling for "a Buckskin Revolution."

"Within first nations communities, we need a re-evaluation of where we are going as a people and how we can further contribute to this great country."

Favel laments that the aboriginal leadership lives so indulgently, "driving their big trucks and collecting huge salaries." He complains of "unaccountable leadership that administers its people without any rules and leaves no avenues with which to protest unjust leadership."
Canada as a nation and Canadians as a people fret about such injustices in the world (the highlighted portion) . We collectively believe in democratic principals and assisting emerging democracies but somehow we find it impossible to enforce a modicum of democracy right in our very own backyards?

In contrast to the articles author I say that there is one more thing that the Canadian Government must do...

This evolving trainwreck that is Canada's aboriginal experiment should be stopped forthwith and modern liberal democratic ideals must not only be established on reserves but must be enforced and respected uniformly.

No more useless quasi-tribal regressive historical governance but open, free and fair elections with transparent decision making processes, accountable officials, modern financial accounting practices and legitimacy at all levels of aboriginal government.

How ironic that we currently have people in Afghanistan teaching the principals of democracy but we don't even adhere to those same principals on native reserves here in Canada.

Stop the planet!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's a quagmire!

57 Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan since 2001 = quagmire

879 Canadians killed by guns in Canada since 2001 = Shhhhhhhhhh, go back to sleep.

So how long till Jack Layton asks the RCMP to pack 'er in and turn over the country to the World Social Forum so they can organize a mass singing of Kumbaya at Jane and Finch?

Saturday, June 9, 2007

A voice in the wilderness

This says it all:
"Govern yourself. Improve yourself. Respect yourself. To trust politicians at all is unwise. To trust them to solve all your problems is utterly stupid."
Read more

Monday, June 4, 2007

Our "unballanced" war effort in Afghanistan

"My message to the international community is to be patient, to take a realistic assessment of the ground realities of this country," he [Zia] said. "Here in Afghanistan, we shouldn't expect miracles because we are starting everything from scratch. We are literally putting bricks on top of bricks."

Read more
But, realistic expectations are not what "Taliban Jack Bin Layton" and his warriors of appeasement rely on. They pin the hopes of the ignorant on best wishes, candy coated socialism and willful blindness to the vileness of those they seek to negotiate with.

Friday, June 1, 2007

The Senate.

Listening to the dueling Senators on Mike Duffy Live last night while making supper I almost burned myself when the “Liberal” gentleman commented that the senate was unelected for a good reason (and here’s the punchline) …

To keep partisan politics out of that chamber of sober second thought.


Yup, that’s got to be it. The best way to keep partisan politics out of the Senate is to ensure that the members of the Red Chamber are appointed by an unelected Governor General on the advice of the Prime Minister who is the leader of the Political Party which won a plurality of votes in a partisan election.

What was that?

Now some of these fine gentlemen, (predominantly the illiberal Liberals) are intentionally delaying a bill that was approved and passed in the elected House of Commons, which would limit the terms of these same Senators.

Can you say self-serving, opportunistic or dictatorial?