Monday, June 27, 2011

Lies Journalists tell...

For the sake of clarity, honesty and to dispel any homosexual trepidation I would like it to be known that I, a heterosexual male with a security clearance, had to provide information on my sexual preference and my partner by specifying that I was married and by providing my wife's name, the names of her parents, where she worked, where they worked etc, etc, ect. 

Wake the fuck up people it's a security clearance not the pass-code to the McDonald's lounge area!

I hate this sort of journalistic deceit.


Ian C. said...

If you belong to any deemed 'undesirable' group, the concern is that you will be subject to coercion [through a fear of being labelled a social outcast]. The concern is not the 'characteristic' itself, so much as how it may not fit with the social norms of the day. If heterosexuality ever falls into the category of socially 'deviant' behavior it too will be seen to present the same security issue.

Garner As Mist said...

Homosexuality is and can only be a security risk if the homosexual himself is trying to hide that fact from the rest of the world. In that way it's like (exactly like) drug addiction, infidelity and a host of other things which all rely on one thing and one thing only in order to be exploited...

The perpetrators wish to evade the reality of what they are or what they do.