Tuesday, March 31, 2009
CTV, Poll Gets it Right
Today's Result:
Are the Canadian and U.S. governments being too hard on the auto sector?
Yes, it's vital to North America 8%
No, it has gotten enough help 92%
If 92% of average people believe that the Auto sector has received enough of our hard earned money (stolen as taxes) why are our elected talking heads dreaming up conditions under which they will give them more?
Don't these fricken people work for us anymore?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Hey Religion, Go To Hell.
You would think that of all the institutions on the planet where a piece of useless crap like this resolution would not pass it would be the UN.
I mean hell, these morons sit around and wring their hands when people are being hacked apart by machete's debating the meaning of the word genocide and seeing if the horrors being shown to the world on the BBC fit the bill... But ask them to pass a motion confirming the protected status of a bunch of peoples imaginary friends and they're falling all over themselves to confirm the unconformable and assign rights to the undefinable.
But wait it gets worse. Not only does this resolution open the door to censorship of non-religious views and free speech in general, they go farther, enshrining irrational beliefs as a human right and willfully abdicating and ignoring reality.
"In the resolution, the Commission expressed deep concern at negative stereotyping of religions and manifestations of intolerance in some regions of the world, and the frequent and wrong association of Islam with human rights violations and terrorism."
Really, my mistake... I must not have been watching closely enough and I missed the story about Catholic terrorists blowing up people in Pakistan, or the cowardly Buddhist suicide bombers responsible for 9/11, and the Hutterite militants that bombed the London subway.
Pardonnez Moi!!!
A couple of more days and I would have thought this to be a sick April Fools joke, but allas it isn't. The bigger issue here, bigger than freedom of speech, the "right" not to be offended, and even the existance of imaginary dieties, and the root of so many problems in our society today is the corruption of the concept of rights.
A right in order to be valid has one criteria.
1. It must be an individual right. It can not be collectivised. The reason is simple, no right properly called as such can impose through its existance a condition on another person. It can not make any positive demand, for to do so would mean that it conferrs upon one man by taking away from another. Thus there can be no religious, ethnic, social, cultural, sexual, national or tribal claim to a specific right.
This resolution smashes that ideal to pieces.
I for one will not comply. The next time someone stops me on the street to ask if I've "heard of the kingdom of heaven" Instead of being polite as I normally am, I'm going to tell him to go to hell. The next time some Jehova's Witness comes to my door instead of politely saying "no thaks I'm not interested" I'm going to tell him that I don't have time to discuss his irrational superstitions.
And just for good measure I hope this offends as many of you religious whack-jobs as possible.
Friday, March 27, 2009
America The Dutiful
The comparison of this new "national service" with its call for...
“campuses” that serve as “operational headquarters,” complete with “superintendents” and “uniforms” for all participants.
“youth engagement zones” in which “service learning” is “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.”to an organization like the Hitler Youth or the Soviet Unions "Young Pioneers" is all too easy, albeit apt.
My question is, with this explosion of free labour "helping people" to do things that they would ordinarily have to pay someone to do isn't that going to put more people out of work? Isn't that going to cause people to spend less? In short, considering the economic realities of today isn't that going to hurt much more than it helps?
But then the light goes on. You see its all part of the plan to expand government. With people forced to serve, and that service creating an environment poisonous to capitalism, more people will be forced to turn to the state for work and assistance.
Join me if you will for a small trip into the future...
It's 2011 and you and everyone else in America are forced to spend X amount of time "serving the nation" while receiveing your "service learning" (indoctrination). Your children start before they are old enough to understand the difference between the volunteer and the conscript.
So you spend your 14 days, working for the government. During this period of forced selflessness you are paid, fed and clothed (in patriotic Red White and Blue coveralls).
You meet people from all walks of life, you socialize, talk, work and laugh. It's a good time.
Your "service learning" is designed to teach you that this service is the greatest thing that you can do, for your country, for your friends for your future! For this you are called heroes, you are celebrated, the feeling is wonderful!
Then, suddenly your "voluntary" service is done. You return to your life. You return to the unemployment line, to the harsh economic realities of the world.
You look back ever so fondly to your time of national service as a productive, happy time...
Yet you never, ever draw a correlation between your unemployment and the uniformed masses of the "Americorps" bustling around you, helping you...
Stifling you...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Let the Shrugging Begin...
"I take this action after 11 years of dedicated, honorable service to A.I.G. I can no longer effectively perform my duties in this dysfunctional environment, nor am I being paid to do so. Like you, I was asked to work for an annual salary of $1, and I agreed out of a sense of duty to the company and to the public officials who have come to its aid. Having now been let down by both, I can no longer justify spending 10, 12, 14 hours a day away from my family for the benefit of those who have let me down."That's depressing, but the most depressing thing was that this guy berates Libby for not standing up to Congress and then folds like a cheap suit saying he'll donate all his hard earned pay to charity.
Think about it...
The very idea that led to his betrayal by his company and his government in the first place is the idea that his success, his effort and his skill is an embarrassment!
The concept being snuck into this equation is that because he is skilled, driven and successful he owes "those suffering from the global economic downturn"! Because he is able, successful, smart, productive and driven his entire life is mortgaged!!!
What a travesty.
He should have given the whole lot a single finger salute and moved himself and his entire family to some Caribbean tax haven till the US comes back to it's senses, capitalism, the constitution and the rule of law.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Power To The People #3
Obviously they are only doing what is best for the planet, as a result, we're a heartbeat away from...
"Put your baggage on zee left, and move to zee showers on your right! You vill be reunited mit your loved ones soon enough!"
I wish I meant that to be more humorous.

"Porritt’s call will come at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), of which he is patron.
The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably."
"George Monbiot, a prominent writer on green issues, has criticised population campaigners, arguing that “relentless” economic growth is a greater threat."
Get it now? It's not about pollution, it's not about overpopulation and sustainability and it's not about economic activity It's a concerted effort to destroy ALL of mans means of supporting and living his life as something other than a primitive savage.
Contract? What Contract?
"New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo says 15 employees who received some of the largest bonuses from American International Group have agreed to return more than $30 million US worth of payments."America...
Land of the fleeced, home of the berated.
"Cuomo said he doesn't plan to release the names of the employees who agreed to return the bonuses, and said there is no implied threat that if an employee doesn't consent to returning the bonus that their name will be released.Cuomo had sought the names of the employees who received bonuses from Liddy through a subpoena. He said his office is continuing to assess the security of the employees."
Yeah, Riiiiiiiight...
Monday, March 23, 2009
Welcome to Canada Mr. Galloway
Reading the comments left at the link above it is easy to see that on one side you have those who see his support for terrorism (in the form of actual financial aid to Hamas) as the antithesis of Canada's position and on the other you have those useful idiots claiming that this is the conservative government clamping down on free speech.
Now I'm all for free speech, pure unfettered free speech, without any trace of censorship of any kind. I don't want the HRC to tell anyone what they can and can not say. You want to spout ignorance and hate, go ahead and prepare to reap what you sow.
But what Galloway is doing is not speech. His financial aid to terrorists is not the equivalent of a hate filled pamphlet, hell... Ernst Zundel was a Canadian citizen and we kicked him out of the country for writing about the kind of hate that Galloway pays for.
When it comes to Jews, Zundel lied, and Galloway helps ensure they die. For that simple fact I say we should welcome Mr Galloway into Canada.
Further, I suggest he enjoy his stay in Dorchester at the request of the Canadian Government and in concurrence with our laws.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Episode IV: A New Hope

GALT LEADER: All Taxpayers report in.
Atlanta Tea Party standing by.
Orlando Tea Party standing by.
Chicago Tea Party standing by.
LA Tea Party standing by.
Raleigh Tea Party standing by.
Ridgfield Tea Party standing by.
Cincinnati Tea Party standing by.
New York Tea Party standing by.
GALT LEADER: Lock S-foils in attack position.
UPDATE: Power To The Peopl
This video is brought to you courtesy of the environmental movement...
Watch more cool animation and creative cartoons at aniBoom
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Power To The People
Earth Hour is an anti-man stunt that is trying to stifle man in favor of the unconscious, unthinking planet we live on, and it is counterproductive.
How is environmentalism "anti-man"? You ask...
Ask any environmentalist where they stand on using nuclear power. The cheapest, cleanest source of energy man has yet devised. They will willfully ignore the truth about nuclear power, they will condemn it because the radioactive byproducts are harmful to the environment. Never mind that there are ways to dispose of that waste safely. Never mind that the green technologies haven't a hope in hell of replacing the amount of power we humans currently need much less what we will need in the future. Never mind that the billions of batteries that their so called green technologies so often rely on will require an environmental dump site that would dwarf Chernobyl.
That is anti-man.
Yes there are all kinds of environmentalists. Some environmentalists are right over the edge into terrorist territory like ELF, some are like like Al Gore, who is at most an annoying windbag with a pretentious power point presentation, but I put the lunatic fringe right right alongside with the Goreacle. I'll add in the ones that protest seal hunting too.
Speaking of seal hunting... More anti-man environmental BS. Talk about a sustainable industry, the seal hunt has been going on for over 400 years. It is no coincidence that when the seal hunt was stopped the cod stocks on the east coast were decimated, but that doesn't matter either, its better for the natural environment... Screw man he's evil... or didn't you get the rice paper non-toxix biodegradeable memo? All those people on the east coast of Canada and the US that lost their livelihoods can thank the non-lunatic enviro's and complicit hand wringing governments for aiding in the destruction of an entire industry. I'll say it again, the enviro creedo.
Screw man.
Some might say that when my lights all go on that its merely stupid, that its not a statement, that I'm not proving anything... no one will know... but, of course I disagree.
If just one person asks me why I will have the opportunity to shed some light on the other side of the story. And when they throw up the environmentalists straw man when the conversation is done and they have at least heard the other side of the argument, then that will be a statement worth making.
"But we're going to destroy the planet," they scream, "we're going to run out of resources..." I don't accept that point either.
The only way we as a species will ever reach the limit of human life that this planet is able to sustain is if we stop producing, stop thinking, stop using, developing and creating. That is really what the environmentalists want us to do when they ask us to stop using power, and that is the worst anti-man activity of all.
Power is what has enabled us to populate every corner of this globe. Power has made it possible for there to be 6 billion of us (and counting). And the production of cheaper and better power (made possible by the R&D departments of the corporations and companies that rely on the profits of power for their living) is what will win the environment a reprieve, not sitting in the dark staring at each other like 21st century cavemen.
So, Light it up on March 28th... Produce, use, develop, and never stop.
Power to the people!
Power FOR the People!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Feeding The Aligator
Now forgetting for a second that the only thing that separates Karzai from Robert Mugabe is Karzai's reliance on the west, what exactly does this willingness mean?
Well to negotiate there has to be a give and take, compromise must be reached.
The modern liberal world is made up of rights respecting nations. the Taliban, not so much. So I wonder what the difference would be between now...
NATO Leadership: "We will continue to fight the Taliban and their evil ideology."
Taliban: "Allahu Akbar"
and then...
Obama Negotiator: "Ok, so you're allowed to kill homosexuals for being gay as long as you let children fly kites, and women can still be stoned to death for being raped as long as you allow your people to have the odd shot of fermented goats milk with dinner."
Taliban: "Allahu Akbar"
What could possibly go wrong...
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Circunventing the censors
The Best Way to Leap China's Great Firewall
Copyright Technology Review 2009.
Gather the tools to fight back
Freedom is a self help project
The Unsentencing Circle
"Elders in a 24-member sentencing circle recommended that Pauchay not be sent to prison."
Thank you Judge Morgan.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The Blame Game
That is true, but we're a long way from that ideal. The thing I believe we need to see before we get to a truly individualistic/private society is progress from collective irresponsibility to individual responsibility. Quite frankly though, I’m not seeing a trend in that direction.
In the last couple of months I’ve heard Individuals blame banks for the sub-prime mortgages they had, like the bank had tortured them till they signed the documents.
I’ve heard the Banks blame the government for their sorry state of affairs, like the government had forced them to ignore all prudent banking practices and make the majority of their loans to bad risks.
And finally, I’ve heard the Government blame capitalists for being greedy in spite of the fact that the industries that have been hit the hardest during this economic were the most heavily regulated.
The blame runs from the individual up to government and then back to the individual. Who’s going to stop this particular Buck?
Nope, don’t look at me. I’ve already taken the responsibility to NOT spend more than I can afford.
Want to blame someone?
Look in the mirror first and make damn sure you shouldn’t be blaming that guy.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Seems that the Government wants to drag the Aboriginal leadership kicking and screaming into the 19th century...
How dare they!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Standing up to the Gods of Olympos
The new Olympians in Washington, D.C. (along with many of the old Olympians in capitals everywhere) have decided to unleash the thunderbolts of State power on the economy, and pile on unprecedented amounts of spending and regulations to enforce their will (and control is really what this theater is all about). While there is a recognition that this is a terrible long term disaster for the people and institutions of the United States (and thus the world), grass roots opposition has yet to gain any organization or momentum sufficient to stop or derail the efforts of the current government. Rather than a race of Titans bestriding the Universe, the American people are still fragmented and reeling from the rather abrupt changes happening all around.
From our side of the border, we are looking at something resembling the event horizon of a black hole. The projected American deficit for this year will be 1.75 trillion. Canada's GDP is only 1.3 trillion in USD. In other words, the USA deficit for just 2009 will be greater than Canada’s GDP. (HT to Celestial Junk for these figures).
Canadians will have to start making plans now on how to deal with the import of inflation as the Obama Administration frantically devalues American currency to deal with these massive debts. Given 82% of our exports go to the United States, our customers will be paying us in script or worse, and also purchasing our energy and other resources with devalued currency as well.
We will also have to look at the eventuality of the United States defaulting on their obligations. I believe the trigger will be a wave of bankruptcies sweeping civic governments which are overextended in terms of their public service wage and benefit packages. Several States will be next (California, followed by New York), and this will trigger a chain reaction of public service and union pension defaults as the rest of the financial system is subjected to an even greater shock than the sub prime crisis. Depending on how this times out, the paradox may be the destruction of trillions of dollars of paper wealth in chain reaction defaults just "might" cancel out the inflationary impulses of the stimulus package and US budget. Any "soft landing" scenario relies on an improbable coincidence of timing and scale (i.e the amount of wealth destroyed equals the amount of paper the Treasury is pumping out).
Of course there are still more time bombs ahead, as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (along with any presumptive nationalized American health care system) are revealed to be the Ponzi schemes they are, and trillions of dollars of "entitlements" cannot be honoured and vanish from the economy. None of these scenarios even begin to take into account any sort of taxpayer revolt, where Atlas finally shakes off the burdens that the Olympians have piled upon him.
At any rate there will be tough sledding ahead.
Our one potential Canadian trump card, should the government be able to play it, is to make massive cuts to spending and taxes and create a North American tax haven. With the promise of a safe and secure haven and reward for hard work and effort, millions of skilled workers and members of the American investor class can be tempted to come to Canada. The same incentives will also apply to native born Canadians, who can take advantage of them to revitalize our economy and institutions. The influx of human and capital resources will energize the Canadian economy, and of course incoming American's, with their relatively large families, will also reset our demographics and prevent Canada from following Europe in the demographic meltdown predicted by Mark Styen.
How we can make this happen is the question that we all need to ask. Most readers of this blog will recognize there is a very large and vocal segment in our society which will follow the O-bots off the cliff willingly, and a powerful political class willing to pander to these voters. If Atlas is to stand up in Canada and shake off the imposed burdens of our own intrusive political looter class; our own self styled "Olympians", we need to work to make it happen.
I don't have the answer of how to make this happen, but together we might come up with one.
Freedom is a self help project
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Inquisition 2009
As Thucydides said so well... Atlas Shrugged was supposed to be a warning, not a blueprint.
"Study after study over the past several decades has shown how countries that spend more produce less, while nations that tax less produce more. Obama is doing it wrong on both counts."
h/t to PUBLIUS @ Gods of The Copybook Headings