Thursday, January 31, 2008
Preemptive Solidarity
No, it hasn't happened yet, I'm just hedging my bets over this.
It's spot on by the way.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
From Cap and Trade to Cap in Hand?
"Common sense should tell us that good policies produce more in benefits
than they cost us. Unfortunately, common sense has left the building when it
comes to climate policy. "
"Smith found that the annual loss in GDP
would increase to the range of $800 billion to $1 trillion, which is
serious money. By 2020, Smith estimates losses of 1.5 to 3.4 million jobs -- and
that is net jobs, after adjusting for the new "green" jobs that might be created
by the bill."
The recent rumblings of appeasement in the US's Presidential race have me worried that not only has common sense left the building, it isn't even on the planet.
Hold firm America, hold firm.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
UNballanced, UNfair, UNinformed, UNbelievable!
“All forms of racism, Zionism and foreign occupation and domination constitute an impediment to human dignity and a major barrier to the exercise of the fundamental rights of peoples; all such practices must be condemned and efforts must be deployed for their elimination.”
"Zionism is an international political movement that supports a homeland for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel."Utilizing a "Human Rights Charter" to call for the extermination of a political movement, or to be clearer, to defy a human right?
Where have I seen that before?
Oh yeah.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Abandon All Hope
Angelo Persichilli gets it. His article comes into focus in this statement…
“They have not simply become the apostles of left-wing culture. Rather, they are
the culture and, according to them, anyone who disagrees with their ideas is a
warmonger, hates the poor, opposes social justice. Their New McCarthyism is
actually McCarthyism in reverse.”
Until such a time as we on the right side of the political aisle in this country get our poop in a group and begin to take responsibility and ownership of the institution of education we will continue to be marginalized, and the democratic and capitalistic institutions that made this nation will continue to suffer at the hands of our children, whos education has been absconded by the socialists and leftists of academia for the common misery of all.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Marxist Pap Indeed
"Excellence in schools is widely understood as reproducing 'model students' who
are trained to function within the capitalist economy. Students are not
adequately trained to ask critical questions about social inequalities; what
constitutes 'valid' knowledge; and whose points of view determine the criteria
for meaningful education. Myopic definitions of excellence are entrenched in
middle class values. These definition privilege discourses about merit and the
idea that individual hard work will result in success. The focus on merit and
individuality normalize class oppression and does not question the implications
for working class youths in schools. Critical educators propose a philosophy and
practice of excellence that centres equity and disrupt social inequalities."
If this is the prevalent attitude of our educational boards then there's no wonder that our school system is circling the drain
Read the article
You Cant Spell Unethical...
"Tretyakov, former deputy head of intelligence at Russia's U.N. mission from 1995 to 2000, names some names, but sticks mainly to code names. Among the spies he says he recruited for Russia were a Canadian nuclear weapons expert who became a U.N. nuclear verification expert in Vienna, a senior Russian official in the oil-for-food program and a former Soviet bloc ambassador. He describes a Russian businessman who got hold of a nuclear bomb, and kept it stored in a shed at his dacha outside Moscow."
"An 18-month investigation into the oil-for-food corruption, led by former
Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker, culminated in an October 2005 report
accusing more than 2,200 companies from some 40 countries of colluding with
Saddam's regime to bilk the humanitarian program in Iraq of $1.8 billion."
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Hubris or Horse Hooey?
A prime example of the self-aggrandizing Canadian navel gazing graced the pages of the Ottawa Citizen today.
"The European media responded to the report with a yawn. At a downtown Paris newsstand, only the London-based Financial Times mentioned the report."Does Peter O'Neil really believe that when the Canadian government commissions a study about what WE as a nation should do in Afghanistan, that Europe in whole or in part should stand up and take notice? Bullshit. There's a better chance that if Canada as a nation passed gas that it would be noticed by Europe .
Oh, by the way NATO is headquartered in Brussels not Paris.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
More Principaled Leadership...
I can just hear the socialists whining now, as the government says Canada is not interested in a (another) UN "Gong Show"
Monday, January 21, 2008
Backpedaling From The Truth
"A separate part of the study, conducted at an AIDS clinic in the city from
2004 to 2006, found that gay men were 13 times more likely to be infected
with MRSA USA300."
So, it's not that the study was false or misleading at all, but that the truth was too hurtful?
Personally I couldn't care less what sexual preference any consenting adult has, but I would hope that whatever it was the person would be honest enough with themselves (and everyone else) to acknowledge any risk associated with it. Isn't this the kind of ostrich like behaviour that led to so many dying of ignorance in the early days of the AIDS epidemic?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Zip’s Laws of Socialism:
Feel free to add your own...
- The Altruist Effect: Never underestimate the propensity of well intentioned people working in large numbers to create evil.
- Rule of Consequences: Any effort, program, edict or agenda which has as its stated goal the amelioration of any injustice, inequality, perceived discrimination or hurt shall have a negative consequence equal to or greater than the initial condition.
- The Oppression Corollary: Any action taken against oppressors in favour of ‘the people’, ‘the working man’ , ‘the disadvantaged’ or any similarly undefined amorphous group shall serve only to create a new more powerful and vicious set of oppressors.
- The Self-sacrifice Principal: Those who call for self-sacrifice will be the only ones to profit from the sacrifice while sacrificing nothing themselves.
- The Bureaucracy Connection: The larger and more complex the bureaucracy the greater the danger to freedom.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
ALMOST sounds like Mcarthyism
"Messages that make use of allegedly true stories, news reports, pictures and references to apparently reputable sources in an attempt to lend an air of objectivity and truthfulness to the extremely negative characterization of the targeted group have been found to be likely to expose members of the targeted group to hatred and contempt."Article
Friday, January 18, 2008
Update: Liberalspeak NATO = Diplomatic
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Liberal Newspeak 101: Withdrawal = Invasion
"Mr. Dion can't be serious to suggest NATO "intervene," in another country while
simultaneously saying Canada should abandon its United Nations-mandated NATO
mission in Afghanistan," he said in an e-mail.
"He has to explain to Canadians why he wants an "intervention" but wants to turn his back on
Afghanistan, which has asked and continues to ask for Canada's help. It's inane."
There you have it folks, an all too close look at the workings of Uncle Steph’s brain, where the moral imperative of removing our troops from harms way leads to the invasion of a nuclear power.
When Profit Is A Sin, All We Are Left With Is...
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Their silence smells like fear.
The broadcasters and all the useless print media outlets that don’t have the balls to even report on this issue much less take a stand on it aren’t worth the effort it takes to call them out for the cowards they are.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Rooting for Ezra
Go Ezra, go!
Make sure you watch the videos of the inquisition now up on Ezra's site.
"I think you're playing silly bugger here."
We all do.
The Biggest Lie
Aside from the fact that anyone with a clue has already noted that bombing, murder, narcotrafficing extorsion and kidnapping are not tools used by legitimate and lawful opposition, this declaration by Chavez is vital as it shows the duplicity of the left, as found in socialism, in Marxism, in Leninism and all the other failed demagogueries that have been hoisted on the people of the planet.
Socialism is an ideology that accepts that freedom is not something won with the blood of a revolutions willing participants, but rather the blood of innocents. This is the lie of their collectivism, the lie that makes the individual worthless and the ideology of the whole the only moral purpose or cause. This lie has been at the root of socialism ever since Engles and Marx first put pen to paper and authored their treatise on human slavery.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Uncle Stéph
1) Contrition:
Repeat as often as necessary… “I know, we didn’t do enough.”
There, don’t you feel better about the Liberal party now? As simple as it seems that appears to be the extent of the Liberals new communication strategy, and the sum of their contrition for all the failings from Shawinigate to Gomery to the Environment to Poverty.
But Dear Leader has other wisdom to share…
2) Contribution:
”I want to become Prime Minister of this country,” … “to create more wealth, to share it better and to share it with the next generations.”
I, personally don’t buy it. What’s more is I am reminded of the quote by G Gordon Liddy, “A Liberal is someone who feels a great debt to his fellow man, which he proposes to pay off with your money.”
The Liberals want to make the country better by throwing more of your money into the socialist sink and watching it go down the drain. This is all done in the hope that your cash will create a clog in the aforementioned sink, a clog big enough to quench the thirst of the welfare system, poverty, the plight of aboriginals and many other very progressive programs.
3) Compassion:
Dion continues to veil his socialism as all good re-engineers do in the words of the proletariat, hitting upon all the deeply held beliefs, the popular myths and the feelings of the masses… “The role of Canada in the world should be as champion of peace, justice and sustainability and reconciliation between humanity and the planet.”
Isn’t that sweet. But what really does it mean?
Champion of peace - Been there done that. But that was a different time when I was stationed in Europe and watching the Russians over the iron curtain till they blinked in 1989. Today’s enemy isn’t interested in détente, the status quo is what they are fighting against, that and quaint notions like free speech, religious freedom… ooh and our right to exist.
Justice – Brought to you by the same people that Created the Canadian Thought Police, (Canadian Human Rights Commission) need I say more?
Sustainability – Wealth distribution schemes from the climate spectacle. I’ve mentioned this before
Reconciliation – With the planet? WTF? This is just so much useless hyperbole that I won’t even respond, except to note that this statement is aimed directly at those who have already abandoned all reason as far as the climate change debate is concerned. That means there are far too many of these people.
4) Reeducation: Repeat after me… Only the Liberal Party can save us. Repeat as necessary to make all the memories of Liberal graft and greed disappear.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Elizabeth May fingers the Goreacle
Is Elizabeth May really so absolutely clueless ?
Perhaps if Al Gore was running for election in Central Nova we Canadians might have reason to give a rats ass what he says and what he thinks.